Beltane Blessings
Fires ignite! Beltane, Bealtaine, Bealtain, Bealtuinn is a sacred time in the Ancient Celtic world when all personal fires were stopped and a central communal fire was lit to herald the end of the dark season of winter and ignite the full expansion of the season of LIGHT. This is a time still honoured by those that align with the Wheel of the Year, which follows the astronomical and seasonal changes throughout the year.
Quite often in Ireland and Scotland, two fires were lit in a central location. The villagers gathered and would take their livestock between the two fires to purify them and bless them. The villagers themselves would either walk around the fires, between them, OR jump over the flames and smoke. The flames and smoke were, and still are, considered sacred. Both offer purification, protection, blessings for health and wealth throughout the coming season.
Beltane, often associated with the date of May 1st, aka, “May Day”, where cross culturally spring celebrations take place such as Maypole dancing, “Spring Flings”, Bonfires, and other community events to acknowledge the virility of nature, moving from the quickening of Imbolg to the fertile time of spring. The archetypal Green Man and the Earth Goddess Flor, draw towards one another at this time to create a sacred union and birth the light, the coming harvest and sustenance for all humanity.
Over time the earth’ axis has shifted and the date of Beltane now falls closer to May 5th.
Bel (bright) Taine (fire) translates into ‘bright fire’.
“Bel”, “Beli”, or “Belinus” is known as a central Fire God in Celtic lore, or as the Celtic God of Light.
In both Celticand and Animistic traditions, Fire is honoured as an elemental purifier, an alchemical transformer, and a source of great support for life both practically and spiritually.
Fire is central to Beltane gatherings, rituals and ceremonies which honour this transition into the Light & season of Abundance.
This is also a time when the fae, the elementals ones of nature, are very active and delight in the celebratory energy humans begin to feel with the coming of brighter and warmer days. Spring Fever begins. Hope grows and free will ignites in a very real way when people choose to connect with these energies AND take note of how all of nature is showing signs of renewed fertility and ever present potential.
Beltane signifies the union of the Sacred Masculine as the young Oak King and Divine Feminine of Flor/a as the Roman Spring Maiden, or the Celtic Maiden - Danu ( Irish Triple Goddess). Their union and conception transforms them into Mother Goddess and the Mature Father ~ Green Man, the protector of nature. Thus, heralding a time of fertility and rebirth of all life within and without.
Irish Triple Goddess Danu
The Green Man
This is a powerful and beautiful time where you can create an intentional ritual to honour this within yourself and your own life.
You, as an embodiment or extension of nature, can now align with these energies and actively nurture possibility, fertility, abundance and protection within your families, and communities.
A time for creation, anew.
It’s time for you to refresh your vision, your passions, your dreams, your desires and acknowledge the infinite potential present within life!
A time to nurture the seeds of intention you planted during Imbolg, to call in and up what you desire most. A time to magnetize and manifest through alignment and potent action evoked through intentional connection to nature, ancient tradition, personal ritual and ceremony.